Thursday, June 5, 2008

Tangled Up in Loquats

A jumble of orange things found around the house, and Dune by Christian Dior.

Dune is famous for being the first so-called androgynous perfume. The first blast reminded me of spice gum drops so I used them as my little dunes in the picture. On me Dune is dry and maybe a little beach-y in a plant life of the beach sort of way. My friends tell me this was wildly popular with young ladies at one time. Every friend who went to high school on Long Island had some vivid memory of the scent. Either they wore it and loved it, or everyone on the bus was wearing it and it made them sick, or their mom wore it and they used to sneak some for themselves.

Originally I was going to post about apricots, persimmons, (shown above) and other eats like carrots and orange bell peppers because I like them a lot. If anyone posts a picture of a loquat I'll be shocked. When I was in high school we rented a house that had a loquat tree in the backyard. (It was Los Angeles and fruit trees were everywhere.) Because I had all of the free loquats, I became addicted to them. I haven't seen a loquat in quite awhile. Apricots and persimmons kinda sorta remind me of them.

About Loquats

Loquat Wine Recipe

Loquat Cobbler Recipe